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c/o Kathrin Baumgartner
Kornfeldstrasse 85
CH - 4125 Riehen
+41 79 507 35 28
Haben Sie Fragen zu unsere Organisation oder zu den Projekten, welche Sachham unterstützt? Wir stehen wir Ihnen gerne jederzeit zur Verfügung.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Anruf/Ihre E-Mail.
c/o Kathrin Baumgartner
Kornfeldstrasse 85
CH - 4125 Riehen
+41 79 507 35 28
Haben Sie Fragen zu unsere Organisation oder zu den Projekten, welche Sachham unterstützt? Wir stehen wir Ihnen gerne jederzeit zur Verfügung.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Anruf/Ihre E-Mail.
c/o Kathrin Baumgartner
Kornfeldstrasse 85
CH - 4125 Riehen
+41 79 507 35 28
Sachham Projects for the Chepang in Chitwan
in cooperation with Laxmi Pratisthan
To increase the impact of our work, we are networking with organisations in both Switzerland and Nepal which pursue similar goals.
We also work closely with local organisations in the context of our projects. The purpose of this collaboration is to generate more local impact and, by sharing knowledge and experience, even with limited resources, to create the best possible conditions for children and young people. We are currently working on various project ideas with the Laxmi Pratisthan Foundation.
School in Kanda (Chitwan, Bagmati Province)
Thanks to a generous donation, we have been able to finance a teacher for the eighth grade at the affiliated school in Kanda. With the introduction of the eighth grade, it will be possible for the children to obtain their first state qualification at this school as well.
Post-School Professional Training
After completing their schooling in Kanda and Kavre, the young Chepang people from Kanda have the opportunity to take part in various programmes run by the Swiss embassy in Kathmandu:
Career counselling and vocational guidance for young people, enabling them to choose a vocational course that meets their requirements.
Participation in various vocational courses. The young people can take part in courses at various training centres free of charge.
Certification of professional skills already acquired as part of the RPL programme (Recognition of Prior Learning).
This year the first young people are completing their vocational training as part of the INSURE programm. Three young people in Kathmandu and two in Chitwan will graduate in hotel management. It is very gratifying that most of them already have job offers. This year 7 young men will start their training in various professions (hotel management, IT, engineering) as part of the INSURE programme.
Training as a Health Worker
In cooperation with the organisation Shanti Med which runs a hospital in Ratnanagar, we aim to create a training project for women from the surrounding area, which will primarily benefit the local Chepang population in poorly served areas.